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Are you planning on selling your home this year? If you want your home to fly off the market, you will most likely need to do some work. This is especially true for older homes that may be in need of some updates. However, even a few minor changes can make all the difference in selling a home. Check out these four tips on how to sell your home faster in 2019.

Paint with neutral colors

A fresh coat of paint will go a long way for revitalizing a room. If you are preparing your home for resale, it is always best to paint with neutral colors. Since most potential buyers will want to put personal touches on their new home, neutral colors will allow them to personalize their living space more easily. Many homebuyers may also struggle to see the potential of a room with a distracting or bright color on the walls.

Clean your space from top to bottom

If you want your home to sell as quickly as possible, you must clean it thoroughly. A dirty home will often deter potential homebuyers who are seeing your space for the first time on a walkthrough. In fact, a dirty or unorganized home could compromise your chance for a potential buyer altogether.

Harness natural light in your staging

Homebuyers are typically drawn to homes that showcase natural light. A home that is staged with natural light will both look and feel more welcoming than one staged without it. When you have a showing, be sure to open blinds and shades, allowing natural light to showcase the best features of your home. 

Eliminate clutter in your living space

As you are staging your home, it is best to take a minimalist approach. Clutter works against you, not only by making your home look messy but also by making rooms appear to be smaller as well.

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Email continues to be one of the most effective methods of communication for businesses to connect with customers. As such, an email mailing list is something real estate businesses should always have in their back pocket. Here are a few ways real estate professionals can benefit from an email mailing list.

Quicker responses from clients

For years, real estate professionals had to use direct mail as a primary way of interacting with clients. With email, you should expect to get significantly faster responses from clients. An email list will allow professionals to send mass emails and expedite sales.

Targeted marketing campaigns

With email, you have the luxury of targeted marketing, which is proven to be more effective for a real estate business. A user can segment their emails based on a variety of demographics like location and income.

Ability to track marketing campaigns

The problem with many types of marketing campaigns today is that you can’t always track their performance. With email, you can use a variety of analytics to determine the effectiveness of your email marketing strategy. There are performance tools available today that show your click-through-rates and well as your open rates. The more information that you can gather, the more you can tailor your emails to appeal to more people.


One of the most appealing benefits of email is that it is one of the least expensive marketing techniques that businesses use today. As such, it is an extremely cost-effective option. You won’t break the bank by using email as a part of your marketing campaign.

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Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms today. Every day, millions of photos and videos are uploaded to Instagram around the world. As this platform continues to grow in popularity, it is also being utilized in the real estate industry as a tool for uploading images of property listings and promotional content. With this, Instagram is one of the best platforms for targeting a younger generation of homebuyers who are incredibly active on social media. Continue reading and discover a few reasons why real estate professionals should take advantage of Instagram in 2019.

Instagram is Free

One of the most appealing characteristics of Instagram is that it is free to use. With this, using Instagram will not affect your marketing budget, nor does it take a significant amount of time to use. Due to its immense popularity, many adults are already familiar with this social platform. The addition of new features and real-time updates has led helped Instagram to evolve as an excellent way to communicate with buyers and sellers using this platform. 

Showcase your listings

Pictures and videos play a significant role in the real estate industry, making Instagram the perfect platform for showcasing a property listing. For instance, you can easily use Instagram to promote upcoming events such as open houses or networking events. It’s user-friendly interface and ease of access makes Instagram one of the best digital marketing platforms available today.

High engagement rates

Over time, a user will eventually gain a following on Instagram. By utilizing a series of content-based algorithms, Instagram works to send recent posts with the most likes towards the top of a user feed. For this reason, businesses on Instagram should post oft

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The real estate market has evolved in the way agents communicate with home buyers and sellers. With the emergence of mobile access and new online resources, agents have seemingly endless resources for reaching out to clients in 2019. Because Americans are dependent on their mobile devices, text messaging is now recognized as one of the most effective communication tools in the real estate industry.  Continue reading and discover how you can craft a successful text message marketing strategy for your business this year.

Reach out to former clients

Reaching out to former clients, even after closing on a property, can help you in many ways. This simple step will show customers that you appreciate them and their feedback. Placing a high value on customer service will increase the likelihood of former clients referring you to family and friends. For example, sending a brief text message to ask how a move-in day went will leave a positive lasting impression on your client. You may be surprised about how a short text can make a significant impact on former clients. 

Auto-respond to online leads

Responding to each lead that you receive throughout the day and night can be challenging. Instead, use auto-respond text messaging to respond to online leads instantly. With this, buyers receive instant gratification from not having to wait for an email response. Some buyers will not want to wait and will move on to the next person if they do not get a hold of an agent immediately. 

Send reminders to current clients 

There are many steps in the homebuying process. As such, it can be challenging for clients to keep up. This is especially the case for first-time homebuyers who are unfamiliar with necessary next steps. By using text messaging, you can send reminders to ensure that both you are on the same page. Texting is also one of the best ways to provide your clients with an instant call to action. 

If you're looking to save money on purchasing a house, foreclosures are a great way to go. However, even if you find the property for free (which you can do on USHUD.com) there are still very costly mistakes that most people make when buying a foreclosure.

REO listings are nothing more than foreclosure that are using a less known acronym.

REO stands for "Real Estate Owned" and is the term that the mortgage holder uses to identify homes that they have foreclosed on and they are holding in their inventory.

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