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Video marketing is one of the best ways to promote a business and drive organic traffic back to your website. Video content can take a variety of forms, such as virtual tours, testimonials, and promotional material. Continue reading and discover a few tips on how to improve your real estate video marketing.


Video marketing requires preparation. This is where many business professionals go wrong when they are creating videos. It is easy to tell when a video was just slapped together on the fly. Most homebuyers will not want to work with agents who seem unprofessional in videos. With this, it is usually in your best interest to rehearse and prepare for each video that you are going to upload online. Be sure to dress professionally and rehearse, and what you are going to say, so you portray yourself as a reputable individual in the industry.

Focus on one message

In many cases, real estate videos include several points. The problem with this is that it can confuse or disinterest viewers. Videos that are concise and only have one message are usually more successful. While it can be difficult to get users to watch your videos, it is even harder to get viewers to watch a long video all the way through.

Enhance audio and lighting 

The best real estate videos feature not only great content but also quality lighting and sound. These are two aspects that are often overlooked in video marketing efforts. If video content is difficult to see or hear, it will reflect poorly on the business as a whole. When it comes to lighting, try to rely on natural light. If you need to improve your audio, you may need to invest in better equipment.

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Email newsletters continue to be an effective marketing tool in the real estate industry. However, many real estate professionals do not take advantage of newsletters because they do not think they are worth the time investment. Newsletters are an easy way to sell your services to a large customer base. If you want to craft email newsletters, you have come to the right place. Continue reading for a few tips on how to create effective real estate newsletters.

Make your emails personal

The average person receives several emails every single day. This is why you want to make a concerted effort to remind people who you are and what you do in real estate. To do this, include a picture of yourself in your newsletters and a quick overview of your services. You will want to add the areas you serve and recent updates of the local market. Also, you always want to include your contact information with every email that you send. You want to make it as easy as possible for people to get in contact with you. 

Showcase some listings

Why not include a few of your favorite home listings in your newsletters? This is a great way to not only appeal to active homebuyers but it also a way to appeal to those who are just want to see what's on the market. High-res photos will entice your click through your property listings and hopefully contact you about a home. Do not be afraid to showcase your expertise in the local area by writing strong descriptions in your newsletters. 

Keep it concise 

This is where many real estate professionals go wrong with their email marketing campaigns. They try to squeeze as much information possible in each email for it to only backfire on them. You want always to keep your emails on the shorter side so people can scan through them in a matter of seconds. To do this, use headings, subheadings, and bullet points throughout your content. This is because it is difficult to get a person to read a long paragraph when they have several emails in their inbox. 

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Real estate agents have been promoting written testimonials for years. They continue to be an excellent way to show your potential clients just a few of your successes working in real estate. However, video testimonials are a far better way to market yourself in what is one of the most competitive markets in the country. You might be surprised how many former clients would be happy to get in front of a camera and provide you with a video testimonial if they had a positive experience working with you. Continue reading these reasons why video testimonials can benefit real estate agents. 

Strengthens trust and credibility

Video testimonials allow potential buyers and sellers to hear former clients share their experiences of working with the agent. People are more inclined to trust you as their agent if they hear from others how you helped them. If you are looking to strengthen your credibility online, video testimonials are an excellent place to start.

Perfect for social media sharing 

People love watching videos on social media. The typical person checks social media multiple times and day and spends time watching various videos on their newsfeeds. Social media platforms have also made it extremely easy for users to share videos they want to promote. The more shares you can get on your videos, the more people will see your positive customer reviews. 

Ideal for email marketing 

It can be challenging to catch the attention of potential prospects through email marketing. However, videos are one of the best ways to increase your business’s click-through-rates. People are typically more intrigued when they receive a video versus a large block of text. They are also more likely to watch the video to the end than read a long email.

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From photos to written content, social media provides real estate agents with endless opportunities to showcase their experience. A real estate agent who wants to reach more buyers and sellers should look to harness the power of social media. Continue reading and discover the many reasons why social media is a must-have marketing tool for real estate agents in 2019. 

Millennials are now homebuyers

Millennials love social media. In 2019, more millennials are becoming homebuyers as a generation of young professionals in their early 20s. To maximize your visibility with this specific demographic, you must maintain a social presence. Since most Millennials check their social media accounts several times throughout a day, frequent posting and social media ads are excellent tools for capturing this audience. 

Social media allows you to maximize your exposure

Marketing has changed significantly since the emergence of social media. With so many opportunities to share on social media, digital marketing is one of the best ways to reach potential buyers and sellers in 2019. The right social media will not only allow you to build your brand online, but it will also maximize your exposure by increasing organic traffic with search engine optimization.

Social media enables you to showcase your skills and experience

How do you demonstrate to people that you are a reputable professional in the real estate industry? Sharing content such as video testimonials, listings of closed homes, and awards will help you to gain the confidence of your potential buyers through your social media channels. 

Make the most of opportunities to improve your customer service 

To deliver the best customer service possible, ensure that you are accessible in various ways. If you have social media sites, interested buyers and sellers can come to your page online and ask questions by commenting on posts or directly messaging you. 

Share your content

One of the best ways to share content online is through posting on your social media platforms. Whether it is real estate listings, upcoming open houses, or client testimonials, social media platforms are excellent places to share photos, blogs, and videos online. For example, after you write a blog post, share it on your Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts to extend your reach.

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Are you selling your home? As a seller, one of the best steps you can take to generate some interest in your property is through home staging. This is the process of prepping your home in a way that makes it more visually appealing to buyers. Today, most homebuyers look at pictures of a for-sale home online before going to see it. Because this is the case, you want to ensure that your home presents well to help draw people to your open houses and schedule a visit. The more people that you can get through your doors, the higher the likelihood you have of selling your home. Continue reading and discover a few tips on how to stage your home, so it flys off the market.

No personalizations

Most people like putting their personal touches on their homes. This includes personal items like family pictures, as well as keepsakes from weddings and vacations. When it comes time to stage your home, it is in your best interest to remove all personalizations. Interested buyers are going to be less excited to walk through a home that features pictures of the current homeowners' family and friends. In a way, you want to give them more of a blank canvas so they can envision themselves moving into the home.

No signs of pets 

One of your first steps a homeowner should take when you begin staging your home is to rid your home of all signs of pets. While you may be proud of the fact that your dog is your best friend, you need to accept the fact that some of your potential buyers may not like dogs. It is also possible that some of them may have an allergy that could make their visit to your home an unpleasant experience. With this, be sure to remove all pets, toys, water dishes, pet food, etc. Also, clean it thoroughly to remove all pet hair and consider deep cleaning to remove pet odors.

No clutter

Home sellers need to know that clutter makes a home appear smaller. When staging a home, you want to rid your home of any personal items that are just taking up space. Many home sellers make the mistake of shoving these items in their basements, garages, or closets. You want to avoid doing this because homebuyers will look at all parts of a home. You have to expect to check these kinds of places, so its best to remove clutter entirely.

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Does your real estate website feature a blog page? Many agents miss the advantage of blogging because they fail to see the value in it. In the real estate industry, blogging is an excellent way for agents to promote their services with high-quality content. A well-maintained blog not only provides your website with keyword-rich blog posts, but it also helps to boost organic traffic. In a highly competitive industry, agents should prioritize their online discoverability for generating more business. Consider the following tips on how an agent can make the most of a blog. 

Provide your site visitors with valuable information

People will not click on your blogs if they do not see value in the content. As you brainstorm new content for your blogs, be sure to supply information that is useful for your intended audience. If your goals are to appeal to homebuyers, be sure to address questions and provide your insights on stages of the homebuying process. If you routinely post informative content, you generate a following online more easily.

Be clear and concise with your titles

Never underestimate the power of quality blog titles. Your blog titles should be concise and fully capture the subject of your articles. If your titles are not descriptive, people may pass over your blog posts when they see them in search results.

Use Social Media

Why not promote your blog posts across social media? If you are trying to reach as many people as possible, promote your blog content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social sites. Social media is an excellent tool for sharing blog posts, as they generate engagement and can be easily shared as well.

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